On April 12, 2021, I made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to regain my health. I started my weight loss, vowed never to drink alcohol again, and set to learning how to nourish my body. I weighed in that morning at 260 pounds. Overwhelmed and afraid I thought the first focus had to be on weight loss. If I could get down under 200 pounds, I would be so happy. Even that seemed like a huge mountain to climb. The added health piece was almost too much to think about.
I set my sight on researching what healthy eating looked like, and what was harming my body to GO. I knew that this time I HAD to make sure I did this right and for life. There could be no more burying my head in the sand. I lost weight faster than I imagined possible. It was as if my body knew the gravity of the situation more than my mind did. After all, my mind had been avoiding the truth for many years, a master at trickery.

While at the time, I did not imagine that I would fully reverse my condition, I set out to do it anyway. What did I have to lose? As the months and then years went on, something stuck and made sense for the first time in my life. I have my priorities straight for the first time in my life.
I imagine a future of health and vitality now, as I move into those "senior" years. I know that there will still be challenges ahead and the body is an amazing thing, capable of withstanding the things we do to it and recovering if we give it a chance. I know that I need to be vigilant about what I continue to do, and that's ok. I don't mind taking care of myself now. I hope that I have the privilege of growing to a ripe old age with a spring in my step.
Cirrhosis was a huge blessing in disguise. It brought me to a new level of self-care, knowledge, and insight into who I am. Mostly, it has brought me a new zest for life, new friends, and more happiness. Who knew?
If you are new and struggling, I hope that my message hits home and you find your way to a wonderful new place too. Living is so worth our time, and we are worthy of our efforts.
Love, Sue
Your story still moves me today as it did when I first read it, Sue. You have done a great thing for yourself and your family, but that pales in comparison to what you have done for so many others! Congratulations, and thank you! ❤️