More good info about sugar/glucose from Blanche Scharf and Natural Health 365.
This is very literally the first thing I addressed to begin healing and my diabetic friends please take extra heed. It’s important for all of us.
“Excess glucose is converted to fat in the liver, which can and will play a role in the development of fatty liver disease. The simple answer of what diet prevents and can reverse liver disease is one with that doesn't cause glucose spikes. A diet that doesn't contain highly refined processed foods is the first step. All the white flour, high fructose corn syrup, high sodium, artificial coloring and flavor enhancers are not only going to raise glucose levels, but at the same time are toxic to the liver. The average American eats 192.3 pounds of flour and cereal products and about 134 pounds of that is manly white flour. The figure 1,996 pounds, or nearly one ton is an estimate of how much food by weight the average American eats over the course of one year. The figure comes from economists who crunched food consumption data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And as a result, the average American is overfed and undernourished. This is because, people generally eat processed foods, which add up to pounds a lot quicker than whole, nutrient-dense foods. So, when anyone asks what can I eat to reverse fatty liver the first thing to mention is what you can't have if you want to heal. By eliminating those you are now left with a choice of going hungry or eating a nutritious whole food diet.”
Love, Sue
Photo from medicinenet.
