Good morning all! I have found it amazing since beginning this journey two years ago how timely messages and connections occur.
For instance, the last few days I have been digging deep in the chapters of my book about “Letting go” and “Becoming the observer” in our lives. These practices help us to face emotions and habits that we developed over time to self soothe rather than face them directly.
While writing these chapters I have had private conversations about just these subjects which arrived in my inbox and reaffirms to me how much we all need to address what is going on inside of us to help us to heal fully and properly.
So I share this one nugget today for all who are working so hard on healing the mind to match the healing your body needs. One of many areas to address.
This article from Psychology Today felt right for now. It’s focus is on anger, but I think we can insert other emotions here to fit what we may be feeling.
Here is an excerpt, and a link to the article.
Love, Sue

“The benefits of accepting our truth
Every feeling reflects our truth, offering a message about our experience in a current moment. Cultivating the courage to face our truth opens us to all feelings, those that are positive as well as those that are negative. Exploring our truth is foundational for living a life that is true to ourselves, rather than the life others expect of us. It is essential for embracing our humanity.”