A few short years ago, had anyone said I would be sharing my life in such an intimate way, I would have snorted, laughed, scoffed, rolled my eyes, and walked away shaking my head. NO WAY!
Then I found out I had NAFLD/NASH Cirrhosis, and I found a void in information and struggled to find the answers. It was a common thread during that time, so many of us searching for reputable information surrounded by a sea of alarmingly dangerous "solutions" or quick fixes all over the internet.
Somewhere along the line, I decided to start my own blog to share information that I found and learn what reputable websites were out there. I learned what worked for my own body, as I was losing weight and figuring out how to eat properly in order to heal, live longer, and feel the best I possibly could. I became passionate about helping others to do the same. It felt right, and I followed where my heart led. I felt so alone, so I wanted others to know they were not alone.
"One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone."

~ Shannon L.Alder
As you all are aware, that blog turned into a private support group, and eventually a book! I titled it "Reversing Cirrhosis" because that is what I did. I did not expect to heal fully, I truly had put my heart and soul into healing to the best of my ability, I wanted to live as long and as vibrantly as possible, that's all. But heal I did.
I have never been an outgoing person. Sure, I am better now than I used to be, and many are surprised after meeting me that I am an introvert at heart. I was always one to listen without speaking and was not generally a confident person.
You may wonder where I'm going with all of this, so here goes. Since releasing my book, there are a few things I have learned. I'm still an introvert (HA), but I adore helping others find their way to a healthier body and spirit.
I have received feedback from some that have been disheartening to me. Some who feel that my intentions were not pure perhaps. I have become increasingly aware that I am not going to be liked by everyone, and that not everyone will find value in my words or in the book in general. What makes it difficult for me, is that I bared my heart and soul in order to do all of this, and I fully admit that I am affected by other people's opinions. I did not enter on this path to hurt anyone or give false information. I am telling my story, as it played out in its entirety. My sole hope was to help others who felt they were stuck or lost to find their own way.
I'm not here to be a content creator, to go "viral" or become rich. I am 100% here to help anyone who is on the fence about doing what's right to improve their health to the best of their ability. This blog, my support group, and my book were created straight from my heart. They are in essence my memoir, my personal story. To some, they may read like a rally to motivate, and YES, that would be accurate! I want to inspire you to get moving, get out of your own way, and be your best. I realize that I caught my cirrhosis early, and I'm not ashamed of that. I actually WANT people to be aware and catch it early. Does that mean that I can't help you if you find out much further along? Not necessarily. But it may mean that your healing will be less complete, or that you will go through different things than I did.
In a nutshell, I am here for all who need me. I know that I won't be everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok.
If you are on the fence about whether or not to buy "Reversing Cirrhosis", all I can say is this. You don't have to, just follow the blog and my group and I'll give you whatever I can to help you. I believe that cirrhosis is a not death sentence, and we should try to heal to the best of our abilities. I acknowledge we are all different, and while we may have arrived at our condition in a different way, we can still help each other to heal. If you believe in hope, then this is a space for you.
I am unapologetically positive and willing to help. I feel that liver disease often goes so far under the radar, and so many doctors brush elevated liver enzyme readings aside as simple "fatty liver disease" and never order a test to see if it has gone beyond that into actual fibrosis or cirrhosis that we don't even know we are sick until we are VERY sick.
This is why I keep at it because we need to be aware. Some of you will have all the answers already, and you may not need me, but many of you still need help. I'm here for you, and I will remain so. A wonderful member who has turned into a great friend recently told me that my gentle guidance and desire to help others has left an impact on many lives, and I will continue to encourage you to improve your well-being physically, mentally, and emotionally. I thank him greatly for telling me this, as I do get lost at times myself.
So thank you to all who are here with me, and who are committed to helping themselves and others to thrive. We are truly in this together. I fear I will remain an introvert while sharing publicly but that's ok.
I have been struggling with the way the book has brought me more into the public eye, and the opinions of people who did not know me before, or follow my journey from the beginning. But the truth is, this is a small fraction of the experience, and one I refuse to dwell on. I am still a work in progress, and learning how to be my best, and remain strong and feel worthy of this journey. I thank all who have been supportive thus far.
With much love,