I am a member of several support groups on this subject, and my favorite by far is a group on FB called Liver Disease and Cirrhosis Support (NO JUDGEMENT HERE!!!) The creator and moderators are excellent, knowledgeable and kind.
The forum is very open and topics of all types are welcomed...and the members are amazing. They are from all walks of life, and have the disease from different causes, and are all at different places in their journey, even to the point of transplant and beyond.
I found them the day my final diagnosis of Cirrhosis was given, and it helped me not to tip over the edge. They deliver honest, feedback and reliable sources to help guide us through our illness.
Vanessa Bullock, a moderator in the group, recently posted the facts about Cirrhosis...rather, if it can be reversed. It cannot...unlike Fatty Liver, which often can - she states:
"Cirrhosis is not reversible. When people say they had cirrhosis. They are not right. Here's what happens when people say they "reversed" Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis means "scarring" Once the liver scars, it scars forever. However, if you stop giving the liver poisons such as alcohol and drugs and you start eating low sodium, whole foods. You stop the progression. If you continue with that no alcohol, low sodium, whole foods diet, the cells that were dying get stronger and the cells that were still alive start to take over. Then when you continue even further with that eating plan your cells start to "regenerate".
Before you know it, you have a full functioning, compensated liver. However, those cirrhotic cells are still there, never to work again. You still have Cirrhosis. You have a compensated liver with Cirrhosis. You will live a long, happy life but you will always have Cirrhosis.
Here's what can be reversed, Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver) Fatty Liver can be reversed by stopping alcohol and drugs, low sodium diet and eating whole foods. Hepatic Steatosis means that the cells have fat deposits. By eating whole foods and low sodium and not creating more fat deposits, you put your liver on a diet and you have reversed fatty liver."

Image from "Liver Disease and Cirrhosis Support (NO JUDGEMENT HERE!!!) facebook group.
I am grateful for resources such as this, so very much.
Love, Sue