One year or thereabouts apart. Same beautiful family gathering, but a whole new girl in attendance. Last year the before was the last time I ate and drank in a way that was damaging my body. That body was 6 pounds shy of double my current size. When I think about that it rocks me, I was carrying a second person around inside.
Current photo from bathroom as we neglected to wrangle the girls for a photo this year, so forgive my spotty mirror.
Last year I knew I was diving into changes that coming Monday, not knowing if it would help or if I’d succeed but I was determined. This year I was happy, healthy, joyful and 100% on the plan that I set out on and grateful.
Plus I found the cutest shirt...that I would never dared wear.
So wear the clothes, laugh with family and friends, relax into the lifestyle you work so hard for. It’s all worth it.
Love, Sue