I’ve been trying to think of how I want to share and celebrate a very important anniversary today. I’m not quite sure what to say, so I’ll just let it flow. I
Three years ago today, or April 12, 2021, I took control of my life and my health. I only knew that I had some sort of liver disease, not yet knowing it was actually stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver, that diagnosis was still forthcoming. I only knew it wasn’t good, and if I didn’t do something and quit burying my head in the sand, my lifespan was going to be short, and what living I would do may not be at full capacity.
So on that day, I gave up alcohol, fast food, and anything that didn’t qualify as nutrition or life-sustaining. I was scared half to death, I didn’t know which way to turn, or who I could talk to that would understand.
It’s been a long, winding, and wonderful road. Doors opened that I didn’t even know existed. I lost a boatload of weight, but I gained self-respect, self-care, vitality, joy in living each moment, awareness of the love and beauty that surrounded me, and a bunch of additional friends who shared my condition, and deepening longstanding friendships. I blogged, I overshared, and I wrote a dang book. And I healed! I healed in every way imaginable. Most recently I have found my faith in God, the one piece of the puzzle that was missing.
When all seemed lost, I truly was found.
So celebrate with me. Photos taken three years apart sans makeup. But hey, I am who I am. And I am beyond happy. I am eternally grateful to you all for your support and love.

Love, Sue