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Letting Go

Writer's picture: Susan PrydeSusan Pryde

“The key to getting what you want is letting go of what you’ve had.” Shawn Cassidy

I just sat and watched an interview between Shawn Cassidy and his brother, Patrick.

The interview was interesting, and I loved seeing the brotherly interaction, seeing a celebrity that many years ago was the subject of girlhood daydreams all grown up and a real human being is always kinda cool. I enjoyed it very much!

One of the things that struck me about the interview was when he said, based on his initial success as a pop star at a young age, was that to really move on, and figure out what he wanted to do with life after that overwhelmingly successful start at such a tender age was to put it behind him and let it all go.

I think it resonates with me so much because there are so many things that I used to be that I no longer can do or be anymore. So rather than mourn what or who I was, which I undoubtedly did quite seriously at first, I had to shift my focus quite profoundly or continue to live in a place of darkness, sadness, and poor me, if you know me, you are aware that being down is not my style. Oh yeah I had bad days, sad days…but I’m generally an upbeat person. Unfortunately I had no idea how to crawl out of this place at first. This was unchartered territory.

So in essence, what Mr. Cassidy did to move on to the successful man he continues to be, is exactly what I did…albeit without the credentials of the spotlight. Wait, I wasn’t successful pop star and a teen idol? Damn, what was I thinking? Anyway…

Letting go of old lifestyles, making room for new, healthier ones has been a game changer for me. Learning to live without comfort foods, alcohol, and such has given me room to read more (at ungodly early hours), find more fun videos (like this one…no I don’t always watch health stuff) and begin to broaden my horizons in lots of ways.

Originally I thought I was going to write about sneaking up on 95 pounds gone, how my liver no longer hurts, and that I can’t grasp in my puny brain that I no longer wear clothes in a certain size and keep buying that size (oops) and how on earth do I plan to handle just “staying the course” when I reach my final weight goal soon. I will save those thoughts for my eventual 100 pound celebration or final goal.

in the meantime, below is info about the video I watched. If you loved Shawn, you may enjoy it. I did.

Love, Sue

Studio Tenn Talks: Conversations with Patrick Cassidy Studio Tenn presents a virtual talk show hosted by Artistic Director Patrick Cassidy featuring exclusive interviews with acclaimed performing artists from Broadway, film, and music. Studio Tenn Talks streams live on this page, on our Facebook page, and on our YouTube page, Monthly (watch for the dates) at 7 p.m. CST.

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