Happy Friday!
I have been bursting to share something with you all, and while I hash out the details I thought, why not today!?
I have a few irons in the fire that have me excited, couldn't sleep last night. As you can tell by my posts in recent months I had kind of gone into a quiet place after the book launch. It kind of took my breath away and left me a little lost in some ways. I got a little lost on what my purpose was, if I was or had done the right thing in all of this. But those days are over, mainly due to my wonderful group followers friends who always help me to remember the reasons for doing this, the work it took to get here, and the work I see going on around me as people rise and learn and grow.
Number one, I had reached out to an organization to see if they were interested in reading "Reversing Cirrhosis" and if they like it, I would very much wish to find an outlet for donating some of the proceeds to their cause.
They may not be the "only" avenue, I have some other thoughts in mind as well. It was always in my heart to do this project to help, and not for personal gain. So my original e-mail to the organization earlier this year went unanswered...crickets.
So I tried once more and I got a wonderful response! Due to year-end activities and the person who responded saying they have now sent my request and information up to the "top" that I should hear in a few weeks. That makes my heart happy.
Number two, is I stumbled upon a book reviewer yesterday, or rather, her FB page/blog. I was immediately drawn to the vibe of her page, and on a whim I sent her a PM and asked her if she ever reviewed memoirs, or self-help books/health books. I told her a bit about my story in my pm to her, and hit send, and thought...I'll never hear back. Well, I DID hear back. We head a beautiful exchange last night as I was lying in bed (I was supposed to be fast asleep, lol). Turns out she was VERY interested in reading and reviewing, had a personal interest in the subject of liver disease and we had a long chat. I will be sending my book to her in Ireland.
My hope is that she loves it gets a review if worthy. Perhaps I can learn a bit about "blog tours", which she talks about on her page. I am not exactly sure what those are, but it sounds like a great opportunity for me as ab author with a message and I'm excited.
So my heart is back at this, for the right reasons. I am most excited about finding avenues to share what little proceeds I make (or DO make, who knows!!).
I'm excited, there's nothing firm yet, but as with this journey in general, I have let my heart lead, let connections happen and growth occur as it will, like a river flows, and I had put a dam up for a little while, scared to move forth. I have officially torn that dam DOWN!.
Wishing you all a good morning, good evening, or good day, and much love to you all.
Love, Sue
