I laugh when I fill my “salad” bowl because if you really look at this thing, you’d wonder how on earth I’m not gaining weight, and instead still shrinking. It’s in my lap, nay, overtaking my lap.
423 calories of good solid nutrition, fresh smoked chicken ala Neil, blackstone roasted veggies, in garlic, ginger, pepper, a bit of chili pepper and my no sodium everything but the bagel seasoning.
I never tire of my parade of mash up in a bowl every night. Different protein, a
switched fruit, different spices, or dressing. It works for me. And my liver is happy, which makes me ecstatic.
I was going to up my calories to 1400 from closer to 1200 but I thought it through and I’m trying to learn to eat intuitively. What I eat every day has me satisfied, healthy, and satiated. I no longer snack, or find myself daydreaming about what lovelies I can crunch on between meals. I just don’t miss it. So I thought I’m just going to keep eating this way, stop when I’m full, or add if I’m not…and see what happens.
The funny side of this is I had to order a whole new set of the underlings. It’s not optimal when you can pull your underwear up over your head. Yeah…no. I could set sail with them. And my new sports bras…adorable and colorful! But my husband took one look and said, are those training bras? Then later, standing outside in 7 layers of clothing (it got down to 65!!!) and feeling bulky and clunky he turns to me and says, you look like a skinny teenager standing there like that. I laugh but I can hardly believe it. A far cry from where I was last year…overheated until it was 35 degrees, wearing the same 3 items of clothing over and over because they were the only ones I could wear without cutting off my circulation. I’m actually feeling small. And frozen.
I was also excited today because my specialist office called to set me up with my follow up fibroscan and then another appointment to see him in person for the results a few weeks after. I will have to get a gallon of blood drawn too and he will look at all of it and give me the news. Did I do as good as that scan showed? Or at least close? Or was it all wrong. (Naaaah).
All I know is this new ways of living are a blessing, and I’m not going to change a thing, I’m in for the win. Let’s do this.
Love, Sue